Intellectual Development of Infant
Remember that all infants are different and reach the various stages at different times. A child who walks or talks at a younger age than another child is not necessarily “better” or more advanced. All age ranges given are approximate.
- Infants can focus on and follow moving objects with their eyes.
- They cry in different ways to express hunger, anger, and pain.
- They babble, coo, and gurgle.
- They turn to locate the source of sounds.
- They study their hands and feet.
- They forget about objects that they cannot see.
- They explore things with their mouth. They put anything they can hold into their mouth.
- Infants make sounds like “dada” and “mama” (two-syllable sounds).
- They repeat actions that cause a response. (For example, when given a rattle, they will shake it and laugh.)
- They wave bye-bye and play pat-a-cake.
- They look for things not in sight.
- They begin to pretend by acting out familiar activities.
- They respond to simple directions.
- They make sounds that can be understood by people who know them well.
- By 12 months, many infants speak their first understandable words.