Formula Feeding Your Baby – What You Need to Know

Formula Feeding Your Baby – What You Need to Know

In my previous article, I talked about the benefits and limitations of breastfeeding your baby. In this article, I will be talking about the benefits and challenges of formula feeding your baby. Hopefully by the end of reading, this you will be able to make an informed decision about whether to breastfeed or formula feed…

Common Problems During Breastfeeding Faced by Mother

Common Problems During Breastfeeding Faced by Mother

Breastfeeding is natural. You don’t need to learn it. but you may face a few challenges along the way which can also compel mom to start with formula feeding. You can see many women who face problems during breastfeeding, but it does not mean that they stop breastfeeding their babies instead they try different positions…

Human Milk Banks | An Alternate to Baby’s Own Mother

Human Milk Banks | An Alternate to Baby’s Own Mother

Ideally, breast milk comes from a baby’s own mother. But when this is not possible, you can search for human milk banks. You can give your baby breast milk from donors (other women’s breast milk), which provides the same precious nutrition and disease fighting properties as your own breast milk. If your baby has special…

How to solve Nursing Strike – Breastfeeding Challenge 5

How to solve Nursing Strike – Breastfeeding Challenge 5

A nursing strike is when your baby has been nursing well for months, then suddenly loses interest in breastfeeding and begins to refuse the breast. How to tackle such challenge. A nursing strike can mean several things are happening with your baby and that she or he is trying to communicate with you to let…